This is the best picture ever taken of us… how could there be a better bio than this!?!?! I remember this show it was crazy i got so messed up in the pit that my teeth fell out!

But if you have to know this type of stuff…Curt met Jonesy in high school and they played in a herd of diferent bands. After high school some other bands we knew gained and lost members and the result was we picked up Dave and then later Dave. Yes, two guys names Dave.
So one of them we call pigface instead. Actually we call him Dave and the other guy Daveb…pronounced like dave-ebb. Nobody has a job or a home…we're music bums and we sleep on couches and play in stinky basements and we'll keep doing it as long as we can. Its sort of paying off as weve now clawed our way to the lower middle aqnd can play festivals and hedline local shows. Go us!!! Nothing like getting paid one hundred U.S. dollars plus free beer to play your guts out for sweaty angry youth!!
Did you like our bio?i did! Please write again soon.
Love, yer grandma