Our class field trip this year will be to the Lincoln Memorial Garden in Springfield on March 12th. We are in need of a few chaperons for the trip. It you are interested, please contact me at johnsonscience@gmail.com.
The Lincoln Memorial Garden (http://www.lmgnc.org) offers a wonderful chance for the students to get involved with nature and our ecosystems. There will be a hand-on hike emphasizing teachable moments on the trail tailored to the 6th grade science class. Please make sure you child is dressed appropriately for the weather as we will have activities both inside and outside the Garden facility.

Please sure be sure your child has the following items for the field trip:
Pens, Pencils, crayons or colored pencils
Bagged lunch and drink
All other items will be provided my the Lincoln Memorial Garden or by the school. Please download the permission slip and be sure to send it completed back to class with your child by February 26th.
If you have ideas for upcoming field trips, please complete the form below: