Classroom Policies
Homework: Homework will vary depending on the topic of study. Generally, as a rule of thumb students can expect Science homework on average about twice per week (2 assignments). Homework will be given out on Monday with the due date for each assignment. Homework will also be posted on my web site.
Late Policy: Turning in daily work, projects or labs: 10 pts per day.
Language of Discipline: Most weeks students will receive a list of vocabulary words. We will discuss the definitions. The words will be directly related to the unit of study for the week. A quiz on the words and their definitions will be given on Fridays.

Labs: Labs include all hands on activities we do in class. My goal is to conduct at least 2 or more labs per week depending on the topic of study. Each lab will have a corresponding written lab report. I will give the students a due date for each written report. In most cases the due dates will be 2 days after the completion of the in class lab. Some labs will take more than one day to conduct. In class labs will be a major portion of the students grade each 6 weeks. All questions are required to be answered in complete sentences. Failure to do so will result in loss of credit.
Exams: Students will be given an exam at the end of each chapter. A review sheet will be put together for each exam. Exams will cover class notes, language of discipline and labs for each chapter. Notes cover any notes taken class including class discussion.
Missed Work: It is the students responsibility to ask for any missed work as well as notes taken in class. Missed labs cannot be made up unless otherwise specified by the teacher. Tests will need to be made up within 3 days of returning to school.