6th Grade Science Areas of Study
Introduction: Nature of Science/Process Skills
A. Process Skills
B. Lab Safety
C. Scientific Method

Unit 1: Properties of Physical Systems
A. Matter and Energy
B. Solids, Liquids ad Gases
C. Relating Force and Motion
Unit 2: Structure & Function of Living Systems
A. Microscience Studies
B. Cells: Building Blocks of Life
C. Cell Processes and Energy
D. From Bacteria to Energy
E. Animals
Unit 3: Components of the Solar System
Unit 4: Matter and Energy in the Environment
A. Ecosystems
B. Energy Resources
Unit 5: Earth and Space Systems
A. Solid Earth
B. Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Unit 6: Climatology
A. Fresh Water
B. Earths Atmosphere
C. Weather Factors
D. Weather Patterns